You have JavaScript enabled by default in your browser, like many others. This is a dangerous configuration and one which is extremely difficult to implement in different ways (such as text-to-speech or a lightweight web browser). To help protect yourself and see the issues this causes, the library recommends you install the NoScript extension or even try disabling JavaScript in your browser.

Home Contact: jahoti (PGP key) This Page over Gemini

About Gemini

Geminispace is a promising lightweight alternative to the modern Web, offering the Gemini protocol and Gemtext as convenient yet relatively compact replacements for HTTP and HTML. To connect with Gemini, you will need a Gemini client, which may be a program you download or a web proxy.

Once you have one, make sure to visit the library in Geminispace- there are links in the top right-hand corner of all pages on this site to their Gemtext equivalents!